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ICT College Nijenrode

nyenrode Straatweg 25, Breukelen, Netherlands

Na de succesvolle eerste editie in 2018 krijgen ICT professionals opnieuw de unieke kans om op Nyenrode hun kennis op het gebied van Strategie, Marketing, Sales en Compliance bij te werken! In iets meer dan een halve dag worden ‘de studenten’ weer helemaal bijgespijkerd door professionele docenten. Het centrale thema van 2019 is Digitale Identiteit. Tijdens… Continue reading ICT College Nijenrode

Workshop Intrinsic Motivation

Tilburg University Warandelaan 2, Tilburg, Netherlands

Working on intrinsic motivation with TU/e staff, PhD's and postdocs.

Mapping out your road as a science professional

Akoesticum Nieuwe Kazernelaan 2, Ede, Netherlands

When you are about to finish or just finished your PhD, you find yourself at a unique crossroads. You have accomplished the highest level of education that the academic world has to offer. You have shown that you master a great number of skills, that you are able to function in the front line of… Continue reading Mapping out your road as a science professional